This page is designed to be a quick reference for the coordination of radio devices in a production environment. The layout is optimized to quickly find the information you need from a phone. Enjoy, and I welcome any comments or suggestions.
This reference shows popular frequency bands for RF microphones, IEMs, and Coms. Manufactures such as Shure, Sennheiser, Lectrosonics, RTS, Clear-Com, & Others are referenced in this page. Spectral bands include UHF, ISM, DECT, and 2.4 gHz bands.
-IMD Calculator 16 ch.
-IMD Calculator 32ch.
-Band Planing
-RF Calculations
-Path Loss Calculator
We have set up some tests to determine the impact of processes in the setup and operation of RF equipment has on the reliability of the RF system that is being operated. In each of these tests we have developed a rational for a testing protocol that provides us data giving us a better understanding of how to develop better practices for the set up and operation of RF equipment.